Hello and Welcome to beingfreeindeed.com. I am Rebecca!
I am growing in my faith journey and wish that I knew the things I know now earlier because it could have saved me many years of unnecessary emotional and spiritual torment. I have been transformed by God’s word in a way that I have never experienced before.
I have come to understand that the word of God is coded and only the Holy Spirit can decode them to our spirit if we allow him. Once I was blind to these truths, no matter how many times I read the bible, there was no transformation or manifestation.
However, now through the Holy Spirit I see powerful life transforming revelations with each word and verse in the bible. It is such a joy anytime I receive these revelations because it automatically takes me to another level in my faith and reveals another dimension of God that I did not know.
Like the Samaritan woman who could not keep her encounter with Jesus a secret but ran to the city to tell everyone, so my encounter with the Lord in recent times has not only resulted in seeing growth in my spiritual life but has also resulted in creating this site to spread the good news.
The word of God now burns like fire in my bones and I can not stop talking about it, this is the story of many who met Jesus. Someone out there needs to hear the truth to be free. Your personal testimony about God is all you need to start evangelizing. Throughout this site I share revelational knowledge from the holy scriptures and personal encounters with the Holy Spirit.
You will also find some messages from great men and women of God worldwide, that has transformed my life from being a miserable struggling religious Christian in bondage, into being a true believer and follower of Christ living in total freedom. The Spirit of Christ sets us free, religion and carnality in the church keeps us in bondage.
Beingfreeindeed aims to help individuals and families find total freedom from any kind of bondage they find themselves in. You will find daily bible verses, inspirational posts, devotionals, newsletters, printables, resources and other products all aimed at guiding and motivating you to get hold of the freedom Jesus offers, physically, spiritually, psychologically, socially, relationally, financially and emotionally.
I believe the Holy Spirit directed you here, it is not a mistake. You or someone you know deserve the freedom to live the best life imaginable as God intended it to be, free from any form of oppression, bondage, captivity, poverty, illness, mourning, depression, anxiety, addictions, suicidal ideations, and the spirit of heaviness.
It does not matter your circumstance even if it appears to be a dead hopeless situation (been there), know that Jesus is the resurrection and the life and throughout the bible many dead situations were resurrected and so will yours, AMEN!
The fact that you are on this site means your deliverance and freedom is imminent and your life will never ever be the same again.
Jesus said He is the truth! (John 14:6)
And you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free. (John 8:32)
Therefore if the son (Jesus) set you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36)!
God bless and keep you.
In His Service
Ambassador Rebecca
***PS: We are all in this together. If you ever need a prayer or would like to share your testimony, you can contact me here.
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