This post is from one of the youths from our church, Shiebelle Tumun, and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to share with you, not only to encourage her, but because I know someone needs to hear this word of encouragement. If you have been condemning yourself, or think you are so sinful that God will not forgive you or that God has left you because you can never meet his standards, then wait till you read what Shiebelle has to say about that!
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
Romans 8:1
When God chooses you, He never changes His mind about you. Period. The one who is changing their mind is you, not God. Let’s get that clear. Okay, God is unchanging and unfailing – facts. Non-negotiable. You messed up? So what? Now you get to experience on firsthand basis His faithfulness despite your flaws and failures; you get to experience for yourself what He means when He said He is merciful and forgiving.
Has it been long since you sought Him? So what? Now is the time and today, the day of your salvation. Don’t let yourself believe that you cannot approach Him because you are unworthy. Guess what? That’s why it’s called grace. It’s a free gift of God which you did nothing to deserve yet He gives it anyway. He justifies you not because of your works, and how you did everything right. It’s by His grace that we are saved and by it also that we grow and increase in Him.
God is good. Period. Eternally good. It’s irrelevant how long it has been since you last communicated with God. That’s why Jesus left us the parable of the prodigal son. The father RUN to the returning son WITH OPEN ARMS, embracing him and even threw him a big feast! God loves you. Like seriously. It’s just who He is and how He is.
Don’t put yourself down. Raise up your head, repent and seek Him while He can still be found. His return is imminent and I know you don’t want to be found amiss when that happens. You do not belong to the enemy or hell. You were made for heaven. That is your destiny beloved of God. This is the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation, redemption and the forgiveness of sins, freely given to us by God through the grace of God made available to us through Christ Jesus.
If you feel in your heart that this is speaking to you, that’s God reaching out to you even in your ‘personally- deemed’ unworthy state. I encourage you to respond to Him with just a simple prayer. Just talk with your Father as you would talk in a conversation. And see if He will not answer you. I can guarantee you without doubt that He will.
Let me pray for you.

Father, I thank you for your child who is reading this. I speak your peace over them right now. Let it overshadow them. Let it surround them, in Jesus’ Name. Let them see You as You are; loving, merciful, forgiving and faithful. Father I thank You that Your are Love, You are Faithful, You are Forgiving, You are Merciful. I thank You that You do not despise nor turn away those who would lay themselves at Your feet to seek You with all their heart, all their soul and all their mind.
You do not condemn, but You love, teach and discipline. Father, I pray for the person who is reading this, that You empower them by Your grace and in Your goodness to seek You, to find You and to love You. May they not be lost but be found and be numbered among the saints who will reign with Christ through eternity. Father, bless Your child; surround Your child and may they feel You right there with them and Your hand in their lives all along.
I thank You that You are a good God and I thank You that You see their hearts. And that You will cause them to return to You. I speak restoration and repentance in the Name of Jesus, over your life, right now. May the peace of God, the mercy and love of God through Christ Jesus locate you and change your life around. In Jesus Name. Amen.
It is done. Hallelujah, it is well with you. To God alone be all the glory, Amen.
Wow, wow, wow. I am so so blessed reading this. I am reminded of the goodness of God is our lives and am humbled by His faithfulness. When God speaks even the speaker is astonished by what they say because it is not them who is speaking but the Holy Spirit of God working through them. Yes, I am so so blessed. And very much encouraged. This was a very personal experience for me, seeing the forgiveness and goodness of God in my life when I thought I least deserved it; and it is my humbled prayer that you be blessed by the message of the reality that God is good and He loves you no matter what. If you will return to Him, He will do the same with you also.
Thank you so much Ambassador Rebecca. You have surprised and blessed me beyond words and I thank God. I know many will be blessed!
Thank you Shiebelle for this great encouragement. God bless you and give you more grace to continue encouraging many people.