freedom, happiness

The Lord Rejoices Over Us

Scripture: Zephaniah 3:14-20

We are deceived by the devil to think that God is always mad at us, ready to punish us and does not even acknowledge our efforts to get right with him. We bow our head in shame when we go before God in prayer knowing that we have disappointment him or fallen short of his standards but these are all just accusations of the devil. God loves us and he is always present to help us learn and grow just like a good parent would do with their baby.

Did you also know that God is happy to see you happy? I received this revelation few days ago as I saw my daughters rejoiced when we bought a new car. Our old car broke down and we had a rental car for a couple of weeks. My daughters kept asking us when we are returning the rental car, in other words when are we going to get a new car since the old one might not be repairable.

They knew we (my husband and I) have been looking for a new car and they were so excited about it. The excitement they showed was overwhelming as I watched them. They never asked if we had the money for a new car, they never looked sad because our old car had broken down, they were happy in the rental car but looked forward to a new car and they believed that we were definitely going to get one.

It then dawned on me that as a parent the joy I get when I see my children rejoicing is so powerful and I will do what ever I can in my power by the grace of God to always give them the best because they represent me. I do not know of any good parent who will give bad things to their children or who will not be happy to see their children happy.

Similarly, our heavenly father goes to amazing lengths to give us good things in life so that we will live a happy and peaceful life. He rejoices over us with gladness and singing.

The Lord your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

God fights all our battles, restores what the devil has stolen from us and glorifies us. He does this all because we bear his name, we are his children and he loves us so much. We must become like children and look up to our heavenly father in all situations knowing that he truly loves us and wants us happy.

Today I hope this word encourages you to know that God loves you and if he has given his only son Jesus Christ to die for you, why would he not in addition give you all other things you ask for. Your need will never be as great as the need for salvation and reconciliation, which God fulfilled through Christ.

If you have been praying and not getting results, you might want to find out about what could be hindering your prayers in 16 hinderances to answered prayer. God will surely give you whatever you ask because he wants you to be happy and when you are happy he is happy too.


Thank you, God, for your word.

I believe that you love me so much that while I was still a sinner, you sent Jesus to die for my sins. As your child now, I know that you will always give me the good things I ask for because you are a good father who is happy when I am happy. I ask that you will grant my heart desires and restore onto me the joy of my salvation.

In Jesus name, Amen.

en English