Breaking The Yoke From Your Neck

Scripture: Genesis 27:30-40

As always, I encourage you to read the whole chapter 27 to get the context of this verse.

The chapter talks about the unfolding event of Jacob’s deception, pretending to be his older brother Esau and stealing Esau’s blessing. The name ‘Jacob’ means supplanter or deceitful, and Jacob had previously requested for Esau’s birthright in exchange for a bowl of stew. Jacob I will say, was a spiritual man who understood and valued spiritual blessings and positions and will do whatever it takes to get it if possible.

Now Isaac blessed Jacob the younger one, and made Esau, the older one his slave. When Esau found out that his father had given the blessing of the first child to his younger brother Jacob, Esau cried bitterly to his father Isaac to bless him too.

Isaac had poured out his heart to bless Jacob, thinking he was blessing Esau, and said that Jacob will be blessed indeed. This meant that Esau will be Jacob’s slave as pronounced in the blessing. Isaac could not take back the blessing, neither was he able to bless Esau, it was a done deal. Esau’s future was not looking too good, he was going to be a slave to his younger brother. No one will be happy about that.

Here is the good news, the same mouth that spoke the blessing to Jacob, which included a curse to Esau, also prophesied a way to break the curse. Isaac prophesied to Esau about his gloomy future and in verse 40 and said that when Esau becomes restless of being a slave to his brother Jacob, he shall break Jacob’s yoke off his neck.

By your sword you shall live, And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck.”
(NKJV) Genesis 27:40

Life presents us with many challenges, and as Christians we know that we belong to a different kingdom, the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God suffers violence and it is only those who are also violent who will take what belongs to them by force (Matthew 11:12).

Isaac said to Esau, yes your brother may have stolen that which belongs to you through deception but do not give up. It is not the end until you throw in the towel. If you can fight a good fight, you will break his yoke of slavery from your neck. In other words, Esau will remain Jacob’s slave if he rest, relaxes and become passive about the situation.

Most Christians fall into the trap of ‘leave everything to God’, ‘If it is the will of God, it will happen’, yet when they are hungry they don’t just sit and fold their hands and say ‘if it is God’s will for me to eat, he will go to the shop to buy groceries, cook and then feed me’. Think about that.

Know when to rest and when to be restless. Know the seasons and times and do not be a slave forever. Stop the pity talk and feeling sorry for yourself. Stop blaming everyone for your current situation. Stop being lazy. You have the power to change your circumstances today. If you will be restless about your situation.

Do not settle for what life throws at you because many undesirable things will be thrown at you, you get to decide what you do with them, accept them or reject them. The decision is yours and I pray that you make the decision to fight for your freedom. Enough is enough, you are a seed of Abraham and you deserve the best.


Heavenly Father, I thank you this day for your word which has reminded me of your intention for me when you created me. You created me to dominate and rule the earth, not to be dominated or ruled by a curse or by anyone. I break any curse placed on me in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Song- Break every chain by Tasha Cobbs

en English